The act of creation is metaphorically described as an act of speech. “Blessed be He who spoke and the World came into being”. In Hebrew, ‘davar’ means both word and thing.
Time and Space constitute a unity in that both ‘’world and ‘’eternity’ are signified by the word ‘Olam’. All of manifestation is simply divine speech crystallised into materiality.
‘Betzalel’, the visionary artisan, employed the holy language to build the sanctuary in the desert with all its vessels. He was endowed with knowledge and artistic skill to emulate the Creator by permuting the holy letters, imbuing the implicit power of the letters with explicit meaning.
He was able to do this because each letter is invested with name, form, number, sound and formative power. Hebrew emanates from the source of Being, leading to a unified reality with manifold forms of expression.
For example, the Hebrew word ‘segur’ (closed or sealed) is antecedent to the English word ‘secure’. The word for ‘wine’ is ‘yayin’. There are many other examples.
The written language enables the translation of the divine energy inherent in in the Hebrew letters into its manifestation in objective reality. The letters are the essential elements of the whole creation: “Creation is an act of divine writing”. The interpretation of the text allows a dynamic of elucidation leading to a multiplicity of contextual meanings.
According to the ‘Baal Shem Tov’, “The vitality of the creation as well as its maintenance depends entirely on the holy letters”. The letters are a condensation of the divine energy-flux; infusing life-force into animate and inanimate bodies. At the nexus of language and existence, at the radical origin of things, beyond the limits of speech, is the profundity of silence.